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Showing posts from February, 2010

10 Reasons Why World Won't End In 2012...................

Hello Friends, Welcome back, Today we all are talking about the world's end in 2012. Many films has been made and released on this topic. We all know about the Mayan's calendar and their horrifying predictions of the end of Earth and off course the human race. Today I am going to discuss with you all those reasons, on which Mayan's did the predictions and I will prove them baseless and purely bull shit. So following are the ten reasons which Mayan's described as the basis of of their predictions of the Earth's end. The ten top 2012 doomsday scenarios: 10. Changes in the Sun's magnetic field will lead to powerful flares. So what else is new under the sun? The sun goes though a well-documented 11-year sunspot cycle that is driven by its magnetic field entangling, reforming and flipping polarity. Yes, the peak of the next cycle is in 2012 (or 2013), and some predictions suggest it might be 30 to 50 percent stronger than the last peak. But experts sa...

Gravity's effect on time..........

Hello friends, Welcome back. Good evening friends. Today I am going to tell you the effect of gravity on time, a newest discovery by scientists. Physicists in the US and Germany have used two fundamental tenets of quantum mechanics to perform a high-precision test of Einstein's general theory of relativity. The researchers exploited wave-particle duality and superposition within an atom interferometer to prove that an effect known as gravitational redshift – the slowing down of time near a massive body – holds true to a precision of seven parts in a billion. The result is important in the search for a theory of quantum gravity and could have significant practical implications, such as improving the accuracy of global positioning systems. Gravitational redshift follows on from the equivalence principle that underlies general relativity. The equivalence principle states that the local effects of gravity are the same as those of being in an accelerated frame of reference. So t...

Father Of Nation: Mahatma Gandhi Or..............?????

Hello Friends, Welcome Back. Today I am going to discuss with you one of my personal experience. I know that this topic didn't comes under my blog, but I think that this topic is worth to share with all of you. Today when I was teaching my physics class, than at that time in between my topic one of the student raised his hand. Can you imagine what kind of question a student can ask in a physics class. Even I couldn't imagine at that time. I stopped my topic and asked him what's the problem. I thought he had some problem in the same topic that I was teaching, but I was amazed by listening his question. He asked me........... "SIR, WHY MAHATMA GANDHI IS CONSIDERED AS FATHER OF NATION THOUGH THE EMPEROR BHARAT HAD UNITED THE WHOLE COUNTRY"? At once I was also confused to hear the question. I ran out of words. First reason for that was, that I am a physics lecturer, then how can I answer a question which is almost related to history........ Second reas...

Mystery Of Universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Friends, Welcome Back. Five billion years ago, a dark, vast cloud of gas and dust stretched across hundreds of light-years of space. Inside the cloud, temperatures hovered just a few degrees above absolute zero. In one small region nestled deep within the cloud, the turbulent bulk motions of gas molecules bunched enough mass together that gravity could exert its inexorable force, causing part of the cloud to collapse. Millions of years later, gravity squeezed the densest regions of the shrinking cloud to temperatures and pressures high enough to ignite thermonuclear fires, forming thousands of newborn stars. And 4.6 billion years after that, one of the small chunks of debris left over from the formation of one of those stars, intelligent beings emerged who could ask questions about their origin. Our Sun, our solar system, our planet, everyone we know, everything we love, everything we ever cared about — all of these owe their existence to a collapsing gas cloud some five ...

What Is Dark Matter ??????

When the Universe was young, it was nearly smooth and featureless. As it grew older and developed, it became organized. We know that our solar system is organized into planets (including the Earth!) orbiting around the Sun. On a scale much larger than the solar system (about 100 million times larger!), stars collect themselves into galaxies. Our Sun is an average star in an average galaxy called the Milky Way. The Milky Way contains about 100 billion stars. Yes, that's 100,000,000,000 stars! On still larger scales, individual galaxies are concentrated into groups, or what astronomers call clusters of galaxies. The cluster includes the galaxies and any material which is in the space between the galaxies. The force, or glue, that holds the cluster together is gravity -- the mutual attraction of everything in the Universe for everything else. The space between galaxies in clusters is filled with a hot gas. In fact, the gas is so hot (tens of millions of degrees!) that it shines in X-r...

Highly Accurate Clock

A new optical clock that is twice as accurate as any other has been unveiled by physicists in the US. The clock, which is based on a single aluminum ion, could remain accurate to within one second over 3.7 billion years. The previous record was held by a clock with one mercury ion, which was good to one second in 1.7 billion years. The new optical clock also differs from most other designs in that it uses a quantum-information protocol. It could therefore be used to further boost the performance of such clocks and ultimately lead to them replacing atomic clocks as our official timekeepers. Since the first atomic clock was unveiled in 1955, the technology has been used in national time standards around the world. Tiny atomic clocks, which use microwaves to probe atomic transitions, are also used as timepieces on Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. The best atomic clocks have an accuracy of about 5 × 10–15, but this has been surpassed recently by optical clocks, which use light r...

To Save Environment...........

Hello Friends, Welcome Back, In my previous blog I asked you all to save electricity to conserve environment. Do you know, whenever we switch on the light we emit Carbon-di-oxide in the environment, because to produce light we have to burn the coal and by burning it poisonous gases are emitted such as carbon-di-oxide and carbon mono oxide. So my dear friends give a thought upon it and try to save electricity, not only to save fossil fuels but also to conserve environment by reducing pollution. And second thought, on poly bags. We all know poly bags are harmful for environment but these poly bags are so mixed in our veins that we cannot leave them. We can live without eating for couple of days but we can't think a single minute without poly bags. I give you a simple example whenever you goes to a shop, first you ask shopkeeper for a poly bag. Weather you buy a needle or a machine you ask for poly bag to put it in. Had you ever thought of carrying a jute bag with you whenever ...

What Is Environment !!!

Hi everyone, Today we all are screaming save environment, save our earth from global warming. But do we know that what is environment Environment is surrounding atmosphere/ conditions essential for existence. Environment is of two types negative and positive. In the system of environment, both have integral role to play.Life forms in both namely, pests, insects and others are cold blooded have different conditions which suits them to survive that may not be suitable to us, both have own identities. Most important factor is that negative positive factors have to join together to form an environment for example mother/ father for birth of a child, negative/ positive of energy for electricity. But do you think it is that all what is environment!!!!!!!!!!!! Environment includes all those things that surround us, weather it is living or non living doesn't matter. ...

Your lover will love you even more if you get them a pinata

Your lover will love you even more if you get them a pinata. This seems to be a rhyme of some lower classes.......... First of all hi, hello, good day to all of u and most welcome in my blog. Actually it's now almost midnight and i am planning to go to bed but then i remembered of the TEDDY DAY, so I want to wish all of u a heartiest TEDDY DAY.............. So my dear friends get your lover a pinata i.e TEDDY and make him/her feel special........... So good bye, further in next post.