Hello Friends, Welcome back. As I promised you all I am back with more strange evidence of existence of aliens. Today I am going to post some amazing photos of aliens which will surely make you believe that aliens really exist. They were in past also and they always remain with us in our present and in our future too. There are also many VERY believable UFO case files that are not fakable. But until Nasa and the Government say OUT LOUD, THEY EXIST, we as a whole people will not totally believe in ufo's. However if you are smart and you can see past the ludicrous explanations of ancient wonders, then you will believe in UFO's without that Nasa confirmation. In this picture that was taken in the Cairo Museum you can see that incredible precision with which this gigantic stone pyramid was built. To say that it is precise is an understatement. When I saw this stone pyramid I said to myself how in the hell could a primitive people 5000 years ago create this. Let me tell ...