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" ALIENS" we all are very well familiar with this word. Now a days this word has become a serious topic of discussion for all of us. Many science fiction movies had been made in the past on this topic and many of them has to come yet. We all are very well known to the movie 'Men In Black'. All of us had seen that movie with great interest and curiosity. Aliens moving and living in between us and performing many jobs in our daily life with us. One question that all of us had been thought while watching this movie at one or the other point of time : " Does this can really happen?" , " Do aliens really exist?" , " Are they really living among us?".
Today through my articles I will try to prove the same. In my next two or three posts including this one I will try to put forward some evidences of aliens and after that you yourself get the answer to the most discussed question of all times " Do aliens really exist?".
These are some of the reasons that why I believe that aliens really exist. More evidence I will post in my next article " The Unseen World Of Aliens - Part 2."
So see you again in my next post for more mind boggling evidences abut aliens.
Your comments on each post are very valuable for me and they are always welcomed. So please feel free to give your valuable suggestions.
Thank you.
See you in next post.
Welcome back.
" ALIENS" we all are very well familiar with this word. Now a days this word has become a serious topic of discussion for all of us. Many science fiction movies had been made in the past on this topic and many of them has to come yet. We all are very well known to the movie 'Men In Black'. All of us had seen that movie with great interest and curiosity. Aliens moving and living in between us and performing many jobs in our daily life with us. One question that all of us had been thought while watching this movie at one or the other point of time : " Does this can really happen?" , " Do aliens really exist?" , " Are they really living among us?".
Today through my articles I will try to prove the same. In my next two or three posts including this one I will try to put forward some evidences of aliens and after that you yourself get the answer to the most discussed question of all times " Do aliens really exist?".
Do Aliens Exist? It’s a question man has asked for many years now. We’ve tried every means at our disposal to ascertain whether we are alone in the universe. We’ve sent messages across the vast expanse of space and searched the many radio waves for anomalies that would indicate advanced peoples.
Frank Drake, in the early 1960s, came up with an equation (called the “Drake Equation”) that calculated the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
Astronomer David Darling argues in Life Everywhere (2001) that life is highly likely to be common but also says we lack the knowledge to definitively conclude that it is likely to be uncommon. Keep in mind that our sun is hardly a “typical star” as 95% of stars are less massive.
He determined that there was a possibility of 100,000 to 1,000,000 extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy (the Milky Way) alone.
Some people swear they have proof of the existance of alien beings yet it is lacking since it is merely words with no direct physical evidence. Take this witnesss account from UFO Alley for example:
“With equal certainty I can tell you they are here and have been for some time. I personally have only been involved directly for just over two years now. My wife and I witnessed a incoming “Disabled UFO.”
There is always the possibility of existence of aliens in the outer space because it is the nature of life to evolve and develop in complexity over time until the life matches the needs of the environment. About millions years ago who had ever thought that earth can support life and there will be an intelligent species in future, whom we today know as humans. In that sense even us (humans) are also aliens and if humans can exist on earth than there is every possibility of the existence of more intelligent life form in the outer space too.
For example dinosaurs were the dominant species on Earth for millions of years, compared with hardly any time at all for humans. However, they never evolved any significant levels of intelligence. They didn't need to. Man learnt to walk upright, freeing his hands to use tools. He had the need to think, to plan, to develop strategies for survival. Man became intelligent. Now don't get confused between intelligence and technology; a cave man, a Roman soldier and a "modern" man are all just as intelligent. The difference between them is time - the time needed to develop technology, to record progress for future generations and the desire to discover.What about aliens? The same applies. If the conditions are right on a planet then we believe life will emerge. Whether the life will become intelligent will depend on the environment and the needs of the life form. How intelligent they become will depend on the time they have - just imagine a civilization that was technologically as advanced as us now a million years. We could not even begin to imagined what they could be like now.
Many people are interested in the topic of the existence of aliens, from your everyday ordinary person to astronomers and astronauts. Below is the best evidence for their existence:
- There are several well-known people who would not lie about seeing something unexplainable. Both presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter claimed to have seen UFO’s or strange objects in the sky. A few astronauts and pilots have claimed to see UFO’s or unexplainable objects in the sky. These are people who are not your average Joe or Jane; they are trusted, well respected and educated. So, if they’ve seen something unexplainable there’s a good possibility it could be from another world or time.
- Video and pictures that remain unexplained. There are several UFO videos’ that go unexplained to this day. There was a picture of a possible alien standing outside the window of a house submitted to the news back in 2008. I don’t think it was ever proven if this was a hoax or possibly real.
- The most famous case of aliens and UFO’s is Roswell, New Mexico, where alien crash debris and alien bodies were rumored to have been recovered. The government claims it was not alien aircraft or aliens and nothing of the sort was ever recovered. They have stated it was only a weather balloon. Several witnesses have come forward stating they saw strange things that were definitely not part of a weather balloon. There are tons of websites devoted to information about the infamous Roswell incident.
- Millions of people can’t be wrong, can they? Millions of people have claimed to see or experience something alien/paranormal/out of the ordinary. Even if most of them can be explained away, that still leaves a lot of unexplainable objects in the sky and unexplainable sightings of other worldly beings. This cannot be a mass delusion or hysteria; or what could it possibly be?
- UFO sightings have been reported all over the world, not just the U.S.A. More than seventy other countries have reported sightings of unidentified flying objects.
- What about the claims of abductions by people who are otherwise completely sane? Could abductions be real evidence something is definitely going on. Many people have gone under hypnosis to remember. The stories they tell are chilling. Many people have taken lie detector tests to prove they’re not lying. Many people who claimed to have been abducted have even shown physical aspects of something going on, like marks being left on them or a strange feeling of something inserted into them or having been experimented on. Many have experienced missing time, where they were one place at a certain time and then seem to almost black out or go away and wake up hours later.
- Many files kept secret by governments. Lots of information has never been released to the general public. Could there be a cover-up taking place? Many believe so.
- Aliens show up in religious paintings and on old drawings. There are several Renaissance paintings that have UFO’s in them. There are also prehistoric drawings that show UFO’s and also numerous examples of UFO’s in petroglyphs.
- Over eight thousand years ago the Sumerian culture wrote tales of aliens that came to this planet (from their home planet of Nibiru) and genetically manipulated the lesser primates, fused two chromosomes together and created humans. They were called the Annunaki. They "designed" humans to mine gold for them. The belief in aliens goes back far into history. Seeing aliens and UFO’s seem to be a phenomenon that has always existed, it’s seems to have been happening for long time now. Some even speculate that aliens helped build pyramids in Egypt.
- Many people have had repeat experiences and encounters with UFO’s/aliens.
- Regular ordinary everyday people have seen strange things. These are people who don’t want media attention; they just want to know what is going on.
- The frequency of occurrence, how many times UFO’s have been seen daily, monthly, and yearly.
- Because of the amount of planets and galaxies many believe we’re simply not alone in the universe. Whether or not we have been contacted people still believe that we are most likely not the only intelligent life that exists. Refer to Drake’s equation for the possibility that intelligent life exists in the universe.
- There is also the theory that the visitors are not really aliens, they are humans from the future, time travelers, possibly coming back in time to observe or possibly change the future of mankind.
- SETI: The search for extraterrestrial intelligence institute is looking using signals to see if they can find intelligent life out there.
- Scientists just recently found water on our moon, as of September 23, 2009. Scientists also believe there is possibly water one of Jupiter’s moons, Europa and possibly on one of Saturn’s moons, Titan. There could be water to help sustain life on other planets, we do not know just yet.
These are some of the reasons that why I believe that aliens really exist. More evidence I will post in my next article " The Unseen World Of Aliens - Part 2."
So see you again in my next post for more mind boggling evidences abut aliens.
Your comments on each post are very valuable for me and they are always welcomed. So please feel free to give your valuable suggestions.
Thank you.
See you in next post.
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